Monday, August 1, 2011

Assessment on the Implementation of Multi-Grade Teaching in Public Elementary Schools in the Division of Isabela for School Year 2003-2004


The objective of this study was to come out with an assessment on the implementation of multi – grade teaching in public elementary schools in the Division of Isabela for School Year 2003 - 2004.

Specifically, it sought to find answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the profile of the respondents as to: age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, designation, no. of years as multi - grade teacher, levels of in – service trainings attended relevant to multi – grade teaching?

  2. What grade levels do the teacher – respondents hold in their multi – grade teaching?

  3. What aspects and their extents do the teachers perceive as vital parameters in multi – grade teaching?

  4. What methods and approaches do the teachers consider as effective in multi – grade teaching?

  5. What evaluative techniques and to what extent are these carried on with?

  6. What problems do the teachers meet in their multi – grade teaching?

The Descriptive Method of research was used with the aid of questionnaire and interview as data gathering tools. There were 146 multi-grade teachers in the division that composed the respondents of the study. The data gathered were treated with descriptive statistics.

Summary of Findings

On the age stratification of the respondents, the dominant ages were on 26 – 30 years with 38 or 26.03 percent. On sex distribution, the females with 115 or 78.77 percent outranked the male group with only 31 or 21.23 percent. The married ones were dominant with 99 or 67.81 percent. On designation, majority were Teachers 2 with 58 or 39.73 percent. As to the highest educational attainment, the BEED graduates were dominant with 52 or 75.62 percent. As to the number of years in the job, majority that is, 37 or 25.34 percent have been in the job for 11 – 15 years.

On Discipline, what came out as rank No. 1 was on “improved study habits” with a mean of 4.47 meaning “vital”. Least was on “parental involvement” with a mean of 3.71. The over – all mean computed was 4.13 meaning “vital.”

On emotional / intellectual aspect, dominant was on “gender classification” registering a mean of 4.32. Least was on “emotional stability” with a mean of 3.89. The over – all mean was 4.13 meaning, the emotional / intellectual aspect were “vital” parameters to multi – grade teaching.

On cultural differences, dominant was on “learning references” with a mean of 4.29. Least was on “environmental influence” that registered a mean of 4.10. The over – all mean computed was 4.19 which is described as “vital.”

On physiological aspect, No. 1 was “tactile element” with a mean of 4.72 meaning “very vital”, least was “aural element” registering a mean of only 3.56. The over – all mean of 4.38 is described as “vital”.

On the sociological element, what came out common was on “preference to be with peers” with a mean of 4.10. Least was on the item “prefers to be alone” with a mean of 3.86. The over – all mean was 4.10 meaning “vital.”

On methods and approaches, the common method was on “leadership” with a mean of 4.50. Least was on “drill work method” registering a mean of only 3.73. The over – all mean of 4.22 indicates that all the methods cited were “often” used.

The grand mean arrived at when all parameters are combined, was 4.12 which indicates that all parameters are vital determinants to multi – grade teaching.


The concept of multi – grade teaching is a cost – cutting measure of the Department of Education. This especially holds true to areas where the number of enrolment does not suffice to meet the minimum number of students in a class, thus the fusion of 2 or 3 grade levels in a single setting. While such is a rigorous job on the part of the teacher, with the proper motivational approaches, use of appropriate teaching methods and strategies and a continuous training, the objective of multi – grade teaching is not far from getting realized. While there were problems met, formulating the necessary and immediate solutions redound to a better teacher performance in the teaching process. The implication, which in general, points to a productive output in the educative process, and which is responsive to the constitutional mandate in making education accessible to all.

  1. For a more productive result in the process, teachers should be more adept in the use of motivational processes.

  2. Teachers should be more knowledgeable and discerning on the use of proper teaching methods and strategies.

  3. There should be a periodic consultation between parents and teachers to see progress of instruction and learning.

  4. More parental involvement should be encouraged.

  5. Pupils with good performance should be given recognition to inspire others to strive.

  6. More instructional materials and administrative support should be extended to the program.

  7. Pupils should be encouraged to work with peers.


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